jelly cafe after dark
Play & Win
We introduced gaming to both of our jelly cafe locations because we wanted to be able to use our space after hours. Both locations have a unique vibe and the perfect layout for enjoying some quality time with friends. Our game rooms are ideal for those who don't enjoy the noise factor of the bar setting.
We offer daily beer and wine specials and snacks in case you get hungry!
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Where's your game room?
This is the question we get asked the most by new players!
We set up our game rooms with our gamers comfort and privacy in mind. We wanted to be mindful of our restaurant patrons and gamers so that we could offer gaming during and after our kitchen hours.
Stop by for a quick win or get cozy in the VIP Lounge.
Bring a group of friends or fly solo.
Just be sure to have some fun!
Player Payback™
With J&J Gaming, patrons have the opportunity to check in at each participating establishment to earn “Location Points” that can be redeemed for Match Play and other promotions. Location Points can only be redeemed at the establishment in which they were accrued. Patrons choose if they want to receive their rewards via text or by locating an employee.
By signing up for rewards, you can also earn J&J ponts!
While checking in on the tablet, patrons can also play the “Featured Game” to earn J&J Points that can be redeemed for J&J items on the tablet. These points are universal and can be accrued and redeemed at any participating J&J establishment.